Which Fruit Treats Scurvy? Crossword Clue & Health Benefits

Which Fruit Treats Scurvy? Crossword Clue & Health Benefits


Scurvy is a disease caused by vitamin C deficiency. It leads to fatigue, gum disease, and weakened immunity. The best natural cure for scurvy is vitamin C-rich fruit. If you’re solving a crossword with the clue “fruit used to treat scurvy,” the answer is likely lemon, lime, orange, or citrus.

Crossword Clue Insights

Common Crossword Answers

  • Lemon (5 letters)
  • Lime (4 letters)
  • Orange (6 letters)
  • Citrus (6 letters)
  • Grapefruit (10 letters)

These fruits are known for their high vitamin C content and scurvy-fighting properties.

The Link Between Fruits and Scurvy

Scurvy was common among sailors who lacked fresh fruits on long voyages. In the 18th century, British sailors consumed limes to prevent scurvy, earning the nickname “Limeys.”

How Vitamin C Prevents Scurvy

  • Boosts Collagen Production – Prevents gum bleeding and skin issues.
  • Strengthens Immunity – Protects against infections.
  • Enhances Iron Absorption – Prevents anemia.
  • Supports Wound Healing – Speeds up tissue repair.

Best Fruits to Treat and Prevent Scurvy

1. Lemons

Lemons are packed with vitamin C. One lemon provides over 50% of the daily requirement.

2. Limes

Limes contain antioxidants and help prevent oxidative stress.

3. Oranges

Oranges provide a delicious way to boost immunity and fight scurvy.

4. Grapefruits

Grapefruits aid digestion and improve overall health.

5. Kiwis

Kiwis have more vitamin C than oranges and help strengthen immunity.

6. Strawberries

Strawberries protect the body from infections and boost skin health.

How to Incorporate Vitamin C-Rich Fruits into Your Diet

  • Drink fresh lemon or lime juice daily.
  • Eat citrus fruits as snacks.
  • Add kiwis and strawberries to smoothies.
  • Include grapefruit in your breakfast.
  • Use lemon zest in salads and dishes.


Fruits like lemons, limes, and oranges effectively treat and prevent scurvy. If you see the crossword clue “fruit used to treat scurvy,” the answer is likely a vitamin C-rich fruit. Stay healthy by including these fruits in your diet!

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